In my ideal world, I'd live in a 1 bedroom house with a 4 car garage. Unfortunately, my garage is in the real world and is at full capacity with two cars. So, I'm a bit short on space for the EV conversion unless I can find some space.
I ended up moving the RX-7 into the backyard to set up a temporary workspace for the conversion. Since it's not running, pushing the car was my only option. Every time I find myself in this situation, I'm quickly reminded how exhausting pushing a car, even on relatively flat surface, can be. And this reminded me of how inefficient the most common mode of transportation (cars and trucks) is in general: ~3000 lbs. of metal to move ~150 lbs. of human. With a 20X ratio, I wonder what we are more addicted to: oil or waste. At least this car's oil consumption days are long gone. It won't be wasting any energy anytime soon either, mostly due to it not going anywhere!
With the car in the backyard, the next task was to set up some sort of covered area to keep the summer sun off the car and to give me some shade. I constructed a semi-permanent canopy over the patio. Over the summer, it'll be my EV conversion workspace. Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Man that is awesome, I would love to get a drive in that thing once you are done. You should get a solar panel for some real zero emissions driving, no matter how uneconomical they are.
Hey Nik! As far as zero-emissions go, I think I'm already there. I'm an Austin Energy GreenChoice customer, so the juice that flows out the outlets at my home is squeezed from windmills.
But I do plan to install a few solar panels. They won't generate enough power to fully drive the motor, but they should help charge a little on sunny days. I think they'll look cool and fit the overall theme. I think of it as e-bling, like the roof of the Fisker Karma.
I would appreciate a call at 216 299 0719 to discuss your rx-7 project-I have a '93 I want to convert. Thx, Michael Berte
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